A Letter-Writing Plan for the New Year

The timeline for when you should write the child you sponsor about upcoming holidays and different topics can be confusing. That’s why we decided we’d start the year off with a handy letter-writing plan to help you understand how to time your letters.
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When Luis Angel was 7 years old, he received his first letter from a loving couple who had begun sponsoring him. Thrilled to know someone was praying for him, Luis embraced each word from every letter he got until his departure to heaven. (more…)
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10 Center Directors Share Why Your Letters Matter
A few months ago, we asked every single Compassion center director around the world about the impact letters from sponsors have on the children at their center. And their answers are pretty incredible. Get ready to be inspired.

6 Ways to Write Your Child As If You’ve Met Them
You may never have the chance to visit your sponsored child, but you can learn from those who have visited tips on how to write great letters!

Translating Love: An Interview With a Letter Translator
Compassion has thousands of staff and volunteers around the world, working faithfully to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. Read insights from one of our letter translators who translates the thoughts of sponsors and children with so much love and dedication!

3 Children Share Their Top Letter-Writing Tips
We know letter writing can be a challenge for all of us. So we went right to the source and asked children what letter-writing tips they would give their sponsors!

Youths Share Why Letters Are So Meaningful
As sponsors, we don’t always know what impact our letters have on the children we sponsor. So we asked photojournalists to interview young people about how their sponsors’ letters have been meaningful in their lives. Here is what they had to say. Be inspired by the opportunity you have to lift up, love and motivate children and youths in extreme poverty!

How to Teach Your Kids About the World With a Pen Pal
Do your kids have a special term for the child your family sponsors? Some kids use “sponsored friend,” “long-distance sister” or “brother in Uganda.” But what about “international pen pal”? Thinking of the child you sponsor as a pen pal could inspire your kids to write more letters. And that gives you a positive response whenever they say they’re bored this summer: “Why don’t we write to our pen pal?” Learn how you can use writing letters to your very own international pen pal to teach your children, while brightening the day — and life — of the child you sponsor.

A Fresh Perspective on the Top 3 Letter Complaints
So many of our sponsors consider writing letters to the children they support to be their ministry, a way of encouraging children in poverty through the love of God. But sometimes it can get discouraging. Sponsor Hannah Hinojosa shares a few of the perspectives that keep her encouraged and writing, despite some of the most common letter frustrations.

40 Questions to Ask in Your Letters for Every Season of the Year
Do you sometimes find yourself in a letter-writing rut? Need some inspiration for writing letters to the child you sponsor? Look no farther than your calendar! Here’s a list of questions to ask your sponsored child based on seasons and holidays.

Learn from President Bush How to Make an Impact on a Child’s Life
You don’t have to be a world leader to have a big impact on a child’s life. Hear the touching relationship between a young boy in the Philippines and President George HW Bush.

Your Best Letter-writing Questions and Answers of the Year
This year, we asked your most burning letter-writing questions to those in the know! Here are your best questions and answers of the year.