Recent studies tell an incredibly positive story of progress against extreme poverty around the world. We now have decades of peer-reviewed research supporting the fact that we are making significant strides in combating the issue, but we’re finding out that people simply don’t know. People still believe the myth that the problem is too big and the solution is too small. But it’s not true!
We have hope that we can see the end of extreme poverty in our lifetime. We are motivated to keep forging a path toward its demise. We have the guts to get our hands dirty to do the work that is necessary. If there is one message that we could shout from the rooftops and have the whole world hear, it would be this:
We can defeat poverty!

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“You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me.” (John 12:8) …… The Word of God gives us the answer as to whether poverty can be eradicated all together, but I think “extreme” is the operative word and well put. As Emily said, “…poverty is not just an economic condition but is also about their spiritual, social and physical needs as well,” and she’s right. So, while we cannot expect to make every human being financially secure, I believe it’s the moral responsibility of those who have abundance to do whatever we can to ease the extreme physical consequences of poverty, if for no other reason than because our Lord says that whatever we do for the least of His Children, we do for Him. If every person who lives in comfort was contributing something to end poverty, it might actually be possible, but there are far too many who don’t care about anyone but themselves. That may be the very reason Scripture points out that poverty will not end till King Jesus comes back to rule and reign on Earth. Regardless, I say that we who care should keep contributing whatever we can to help ease the burdens of these precious souls, even if it’s only “two pennies”. No, we can’t end it all together, but when you come right down to it, what better reason to do it than for King Jesus’ pleasure and to show “the least of these” that He loves them so much?
Thank you kindly Emily! Your humility and gentleness are so precious. It is very respectful of you to readily take my view into consideration; it’s easy to see that you encourage feedback from your sponsors! Bless you for your listening ear.
Hey guys! I’ve been familiar with Compassion for some time now, having sponsored a few children over a few years. I’ve familiarized myself with the organizations philosophies, having read some books and taken modular classes with Compassion leadership. I’ve seen the beauty of the work firsthand through project visits in two countries, and worked as an advocate for some time.
Having an idea of what the organization stands for, and how it works, I wonder if you would want to consider rewording the last line in the precursor to this infographic:
“If there is one message that we could shout from the rooftops and have the whole world hear, it would be this:
We can defeat poverty!”
I understand what is being suggested, but it’s a bit hyperbolic; I find it hard to believe that, if given the chance to speak to the entire world, this is the message that Compassion International would deem the most vital and urgent.
Love you guys, and hope you reconsider what is being communicated here.
Hi Allysha! I want to thank you so much for your feedback and being so open and honest with us. I am so very sorry if those words sent a different message than we intended. I want to try to clarify what was meant in that statement. Our hope was to emphasize the power of the gospel and that through what Christ did for us and what God is doing in children’s lives all over the world, poverty can cease to exist! Compassion believes that poverty is not just an economic condition but is also about their spiritual, social and physical needs as well. It is a lie that tells a child they don’t matter and will never amount to anything. It is a lie that tells a person that what Jesus did on the cross was not for them. By saying, “We can defeat poverty,” we are declaring that we serve a God who is bigger than poverty, we trust in Him, and it is possible through His power in us. Our intention was to instill hope into our generation that our sponsor’s are not supporting a child in vain and to not be discouraged by the poverty we see because it makes a bigger difference than people may have known. It humbles us to know He chose to use US to love and serve the least of these :)! I hope that this clears up any concerns you may have had in reading our blog post. Again, thank you so much for your feedback as we want to be clear in the words we use to communicate our message.
Hello Emily!
Thanks for the speedy reply! I agree wholeheartedly with the clarification. Indeed, what has attracted me to Compassion is that they openly state and work as though the Gospel in its fulness were the only thing that could bring about wholeness in the lives of children. In a piece for Macleans magazine, Wes Stafford quite poignantly pointed out that it is this emphasis that makes Compassion International outstanding and successful as an organization.
So the problem is most certainly not with Compassions’s stance on poverty; rather it is that the infographic does not communicate Compassion’s stance on poverty. In fact, I think it may mislead. The graphic makes no mention of God, Christ, spirituality, or the work of the church.
The infographic states (1) there are many people who are deluded about world progress regarding poverty, (2) statistics proving that we are making progress, and (3) the remaining work can be achieved if we believe that it can be achieved, and then support our beliefs with action (giving). These are all good and true things, but anyone can get behind them in full force regardless of Christ, the Gospel or anything to do with God.
Considering that the Gospel is the foundation and the core of Compassion’s work to defeat poverty – and that it is His power through His Spirit in us that alone is able to achieve this important task – why is it that we could be in full agreement about this infographic with someone who openly and actively detests Christ? There is nothing in the entirety of the graphic that an “anti-Christ” would disagree with.
I’m really not wanting to be argumentative or nit-picky… please believe me when I say that I approach this with genuine concern. My motive and goal is that Compassion’s uniqueness amongst organizations, in its method as well as its efficacy, be preserved and communicated well to people who have never heard about the work.
If you can see what I am pointing out, please consider passing this on to whomever it concerns (unless it’s you 😀 ) Thank you!
Allysha, I sincerely apologize for the concern this has brought up and if it has not clearly communicated our stance on poverty. I understand and appreciate that you genuinely want the best for this ministry and these children and want God to be glorified! This is ultimately our intention as well and that is why we not only accept but encourage feedback from our sponsor’s. You have made some very valid points and I have passed this discussion on to the author of this post. We are so grateful for your support of our ministry and for letting us know how you feel. Please rest assured that we will take your comments into consideration.