3 Couples Share How They Raise Compassionate Kids

A man and woman sit on stools, holding hands.

These three couples, all at different parenting stages, share their wisdom and experience on raising compassionate kids!

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What Poverty Tourism Gets Wrong

A woman selling beans on a street in Kibera, where some people go for poverty tourism.

Is poverty tourism just a harmless way to gain insight into what it’s like to live in poverty? Sidney Muisyo explains the underlying and deeply flawed messages that slum tours are based on and can further ingrain in us. He also explains how you can visit an impoverished community in a way that is mutually honoring and beneficial.

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How One Remarkable Mailman Encourages Sponsors on His Route

A man in a yellow shirt smiles at the camera.

Kosto, who was once helped by Compassion, is now a mailman in Australia and encourages sponsors as he hand delivers their letters!

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What’s the Difference Between a Refugee, an Asylum Seeker and an Immigrant?

Two girls in white and red shirts stand amidst foliage, looking somber.

In the past several years, the number of people moving away from their homes has exploded. War, violence, political instability and poverty are pushing people to search for better places. But the terminology can be confusing. What’s the definition of a refugee? How is that different from an internally displaced person, a stateless person or an asylum seeker?

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Nicaragua Unrest: After Tourism Drops, Hunger Rises

A horse stands next to a boat in front of a lake and volcano.

Amidst the political unrest in Nicaragua in 2018, tourism came to a standstill. The decline meant one thing to families living in poverty in La Flor, Nicaragua: malnutrition.

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You Prayed … and Jenny Mae Is Walking Again!

A girl lies in bed while someone holds her hand.

Compassion’s Prayer Network regularly prays for urgent needs around the world. Here is an inspiring update on one of the children we’ve prayed for!

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Inspiring Gen-Zers: This 9-Year-Old Brought Hope to 56 Kids

A girl walks down a street block, carrying a backpack.

We believe young people are inspiring and capable — young people from both around the world and in the United States. This article is written by a 9-year-old who will teach you wisdom and bravery.

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A Letter-Writing Plan for the New Year

A woman sits at a table, writing a letter.

The timeline for when you should write the child you sponsor about upcoming holidays and different topics can be confusing. That’s why we decided we’d start the year off with a handy letter-writing plan to help you understand how to time your letters.

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11 Sweet Photos of Birthdays Around the World

A group of children through confetti in the air, standing in front of a table with a birthday cake on it.

A birthday is more than gifts. It’s an opportunity to show children that they are valued and loved — and children in poverty shouldn’t have to miss out. Each culture might have its own unique traditions surrounding birthdays, and our staff ensures children feel celebrated within that tradition. Enjoy these sweet photos of children celebrating their birthdays around the world!

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How My Own Family Enslaved Me

The silhouette of two people throwing a fishing net into a lake.

Brenya’s aunt said she was taking him to another village to go to school. But instead he was forced into unpaid labor on Lake Volta.

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Maximizing the Match: Two Families Share How

A man and woman hug three children in school uniforms

Matching gift programs are an amazing way to ensure your donations have the biggest impact possible. Learn from two families how to maximize your match!

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He Grew Up Hungry. Now He Fights Hunger With Science.

A man stands in a gray shirt in front of snowy hills, smiling at the camera.

Collins grew up in hunger, but now he is getting his doctorate in plant pathology to fight for subsistence farmers and fight food insecurity.

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