El Salvador Traditions: Exploring a Unique & Vibrant Culture
El Salvador traditions reveal a vibrant and unique culture. Learn more about these traditions, such as El Salvador Independence Day, here.
Continue Reading ›Living in El Salvador: What’s Life Like?
Learn more about what it’s like to live in the smallest country in Central America!
Continue Reading ›12 Heart-Melting Pictures of Kids With Their Animal Buddies
These pictures of kids with animals are cute, of course. But they also show how animals help people in poverty.
Our Amazing Neighbors: 15 Photos of Churches Around the World
When a child enters the Compassion Sponsorship Program, he or she is registered at a local Compassion center. But before any center can open, a partnership is needed between Compassion and a local church.
Here are 15 photos of churches that partner with Compassion around the world!
25 Powerful Photos of Children’s Rooms That Will Move You
Step into the homes of 25 children who live in poverty. Whether it’s a corner of a domed traditional home, a simple hammock, or a private space created by a curtain partition, each of these children’s rooms offers precious insight into their daily lives.
20 Photos That Capture How Awesome Children Are
The world feels a little wild at the moment, the future unknown. Yet every day I see stories about society’s smallest and most vulnerable members — children — who are facing extreme challenges with their heads up and their shoulders back.
Children — those funny, remarkable, resilient and surprising people — are one-third of our population and all of our future. If you need some hope today, here are 20 reminders that children are precious, and the future is in good hands.
Inspiring Stories of Bravery and Courage
“It is easy to get discouraged in a world full of evil, murders and lack of opportunity. It is easy to take our eyes off God and see our weakness and limitations. But with God, there are no limitations.” These are the wise words of 17-year-old Compassion student, Meryl. She’s our inspiration for these curated stories of courage and bravery from around the world.
Pastor Makes His Own Mask and Gives Away His Own Food to the Poor in His Community
Meet a superhero: Pastor Ganiban! He’s using whatever he can so he can give whatever he has to those struggling. This man is just so incredible, using faith to fight fear during this global pandemic.
4 Family Budgets Around the World
Would you like to take a peek into the pocketbook of a few families around the world? Have you ever wondered what it’s really like to live below the global poverty line of US $1.90 a day? These four families invited us to learn what it’s like to try to make ends meet in extreme poverty.
How Can You Socially Distance in a Slum?
Social distancing is a luxury for the world’s most vulnerable, who live hand to mouth in crowded slums. How can they support their families while protecting them from COVID-19?
From Sponsored Children to Health Care Heroes!
We’re so inspired by all the health care workers around the world who are sacrificing to save others. Meet five amazing people who grew up sponsored and are now giving back in a big way!
Interrupting Your Feed With Some GOOD NEWS
In the midst of all the news about COVID-19, we need stories of hope. Here are some of the most joy-sparking stories we’ve heard in the last two weeks!