How You Can Follow Along on a Blog Trip and Introducing a Contest

We have an incredible lineup of bloggers traveling to Nicaragua. Their posts are sure to stir and challenge us all. We also have a little contest.

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A Creative Writing Assignment for World Malaria Day 2013

Close-up photo of a mosquito.

Half of the world’s population, 3.3 billion people, is vulnerable to malaria. And it’s all because of mosquitoes.

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charity research

Research Shows: Child Sponsorship Through Compassion Works

Research shows that children who participated in Compassion’s holistic child development through sponsorship program stayed in school longer, were more likely to have salaried or white-collar employment and were more likely to be leaders in their communities and churches than their peers who did not participate in our program.

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inspirational bible verse

Which Bible Verse Prompts and Guides You to Serve Others?

If there is one thing Brianne has learned, it is that the truth really does set you free. And the truth can be found in the Word and the truth must live in our heart.

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pictures of peru

What Does Peru Look Like?

In case you missed it, we’ve captured Peru for you in photo, word and video. And it case you wanted to see it, we’d like to show you what Peru looks like.

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young man and his mom

What Distinguishes a Child as Highly Vulnerable?

Highly vulnerable children are considered at greater risk compared to their peers in our Child Sponsorship Program. The Highly Vulnerable Children’s Fund steps in when there is a need cannot be covered by monthly sponsorship funds.

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Poverty in South America: Change Someone's Everything

Change Someone’s Everything

October was going to be a normal month with planned dinner dates and errand running and church on Sundays…but one evening, one thing changed, and it changed everything. That one thing was a death.

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young man standing in an office holding a photograph

Hope in the Darkness

What do you go to in that moment when a bad day turns into the worst day? Brianne thought she knew the answer to that question for Marco.

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building with metal siding at water's edge

Would Jesus Sponsor a Child in Poverty?

I know the verses in the Bible about helping the needy and giving to the poor. But is sponsorship the way to accomplish this?

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human trafficking awareness day

Today Is the Day to Do Something About Human Trafficking

How can we (and so many people we know) be so overwhelmed and so outraged about human trafficking and have it still exist in our world today?

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dry field in Kenya

Drought in Africa: Where is Compassion?

You’ve watched as the crisis in East Africa has unfolded, you’ve been praying and now you’re ready to respond. Now the question is, “What is Compassion doing amid this crisis?”

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homes along the water

Where Does Poverty Live?

What I found while I was in the Philippines were communities of children living in poverty but not allowing poverty to live inside them. I think it’s because they are also focusing on the One.

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