Bolivian Church Helps Father of 7 Get Back on the Road

Richart has seven children. When he was diagnosed with hydrocephalus — a serious condition where fluid builds up on the brain — he worried how he could afford treatment, especially as he couldn’t work. With the support of a Compassion church partner in Bolivia, he received the care he needed.
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A group of children in Bolivia gathered together all of the arts and crafts supplies they could to create treasures for their sponsors. We wanted to showcase some of our favorite art projects for you – as a reminder that a child far away is thinking of you. Please enjoy these nine photos of children’s messages and art for their sponsors!
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Inexhaustible Thankfulness
Francisco Perez remains thankful and practices everything he learned in our Child Sponsorship Program, even decades after graduating.

Life Without God is Meaningless
At 12 years old, Edgar made a commitment to God and decided to give Him his future. Since that time, God has been accomplishing the purpose He set for Edgar.

What Was God’s Plan to Heal a Heart?
The cardiologist confirmed Estheysi’s heart murmur. He then informed Lizeth that her daughter needed surgery by the end of the month.

From Korea to Bolivia: Passing on the Love
What makes working with us even more special for Esther is that Compassion changed her life when she was a child in Korea.

What Are the Best Things in Life?
Since he has experienced need, not only in his family but in the lives of other children, Ronnie takes advantage of opportunities to help others. One day, he would like to sponsor a child.

From Sponsored Child to Bolivian Cabinet Member
Who would have imagined a boy from a small, agricultural community in southern Cochabamba would become an important member of the Bolivian president’s Cabinet?

Child Survival Program: Changing the Effects of Malnutrition
Chronic malnutrition is the most dramatic manifestation of the deep social and economic problems accumulated throughout Bolivian history. Chronic malnutrition remains an unsolved public health problem.

How Can Social-Emotional Education Reinforce Biblical Truth?
Social-emotional lessons develop the children’s view regarding themselves and others; lessons help children understand their identity as a creation in God’s image. Each child is unique, special and valuable and created with a purpose.

How Important Are Sponsor Letters?
For Compassion-sponsored children in Bolivia, one of the most special days at the child development center is Letter Day. Receiving a letter from a sponsor makes these children feel cared for and reminds them that they have a person in another country who loves them.

Christian Community Outreach in Bolivia
A small shade tree on the street, some borrowed chairs and a lot of enthusiasm from the neighborhood children, is how church La Capilla 20 de Mayo started in 2004.
At that time, Pastor Raul was the youth pastor at a church in the city of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. He started to visit the Normandia neighborhood to have some special time with the children, sharing the Gospel with them and providing the families with some clothes, medicine and other items.