A girl sits on her bed holding an open Bible. There are twinkling lights in the background

Top 10 Reasons These Kids in Poverty Love Christmas

Learn why Christmas is the most anticipated holiday of the year for 10 children around the world. Their beautiful answers will put a smile on your face!

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A boy saying a prayer before eating

Put Food on the Table by Not Leaving Money on the Table

Compassion-assisted children and their families are fighting for their lives in the face of the global pandemic. Work is scarce, food is scarcer. The good news? Doing more might not require any additional giving on your part. Here’s how to find out if your employer has a matching gift program that could at least double the impact of your giving — and why it’s so crucial to maximize the miracles right now.

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young boy with a huge smile sitting

4 Prayers of Praise During a Pandemic

Over the past several months, we’ve asked you to join us in praying specifically for the children and families living in poverty who have been disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. You answered. And so did God. Today, we want to lift up prayers of praise to our God who has answered our prayers — and who will never forget the hungry, the forgotten or the oppressed.

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Boy sitting in a dirt field while a man with oxen plows in the background

How Does the Environment Affect Children in Poverty?

How do changes in the environment affect children and their families on the front lines of poverty? Here are two stories from Uganda that reflect the devastating impact that climate events can have on the well-being of our sponsored children, and the hope that can be provided by Compassion through the local church.

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A young boy smiles while wearing a new backpack he got at a Compassion Christmas celebration. Children are standing behind him

Behind the Scenes of a Compassion Christmas Celebration

Giddy anticipation ripples through the crowd of children arriving for the Compassion Christmas celebration. I watch from the window of a barn-turned-church in Uganda, which sits uphill from a child development center where the kids are gathering. I’m recalling Christmas mornings as a child in Colorado, my siblings and I sitting on the staircase waiting for our parents to let us come down and open presents. The excitement I felt back then must be nothing compared with what these kids are feeling, knowing they will soon open presents and eat cake.

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an image of the Unite to Fight Poverty concert shows band members and camera people on a large stage with bright red and purple lights all around them and the word Unite on the wall behind the stage

Why You Need to Watch the Unite to Fight Poverty Concert

Experts predict half a billion more people are at risk of being pushed into extreme poverty due to the impact of COVID-19. Now, more than ever, we need to stand together in unity to fight poverty!

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Densy is wearing a blue and white dress and is standing in front of her home. She is putting her hand up on the brick to show where the water was.

Why These Flood Survivors’ Heads Are Above Water

February feels like a lifetime ago now, doesn’t it? But on Feb. 29, we posted this prayer request in Compassion’s monthly prayer calendar: “Pray for the families of 1,558 children in Sri Lanka affected by recent heavy rains and flooding. Pray for grace and provision.”

Grace and provision. Those are things that we need today, too. That’s why we wanted to share with you some GOOD NEWS about Densy, whose family was among the thousands affected by flooding in Sri Lanka. As a reminder that God hears our prayers. He never stops listening.

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A girl runs toward the camera.

Children Answer the Question “What Makes You Happy?”

Children are good at finding joy in any situation, aren’t they? That’s why we asked Compassion-assisted children from across the globe to share with us the things that make them happy. We pray this will inspire you to look for the little things that you can praise God for today.

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How to Be an Effective Social Media Slacktivist

How to Be an Effective Social Media Slacktivist

Before you post, re-tweet or change profile pictures in reaction to news, consider these 7 ideas on how to take the “slacker” out of social media slacktivist.

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A girl sits by a globe, holding a picture of a girl

These 8 People Prove You Can’t Quarantine Kindness

This post is dedicated to you … to all of you out there being salt and light in your own communities and to children living in poverty around the world. Keep reading for inspiring ways Compassion supporters like you are giving back to their communities during this challenging time.

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Carla Maines at a Compassion event table

She Has Every Excuse to Sit Out. But She Chooses to Help.

The world can be a difficult and scary place. But in the midst of it all, if you look, you will find heroes. In both times of crisis and in times of routine, extraordinary people step forward. At Compassion, we have the joy to know many amazing heroes who sacrifice to help others. And today, we want to share about one very special woman.

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A girl in a green shirt prays, with her hands to her face.

8 Verses to Pray Over the Child You Sponsor

These are uncertain times. Here are eight scriptures to guide you as you pray for the faith, safety and strength of the child you sponsor.

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