A Beautiful Orphan Story: Finding Jesus After Trauma

One girl stands behind another girl with her hands on her shoulders.

This story of twin orphans will break your heart, while also reminding you of the love, beauty and hope in the world. “We are stronger than ever.”

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10 Center Directors Share Why Your Letters Matter

Two children sit outside on a porch, reading letters.

A few months ago, we asked every single Compassion center director around the world about the impact letters from sponsors have on the children at their center. And their answers are pretty incredible. Get ready to be inspired.

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Potty Talk: The History of the Toilet and Why It Matters

Two girls stand outside a bathroom, giggling.

Today is a good day for some potty talk. And no, I’m not talking about the kind we scold kids for! I think we should talk about actual toilets today, specifically the history of the toilet. Do you know why? Because World Toilet Day is coming up — a day set apart to bring attention to the global sanitation crisis — and because the history of the toilet has passed many people by. So, I say we get down to business and talk toilets.

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Miracle Triplets Say “Thank You” for Their New Home!

A woman and three children sit in front of an orange wall.

Together with friends across Australia, Canada and the United States, your support provided a safe and secure home for single mother Annet and her miraculous triplets just in time for their fourth birthday! A year and a half down the track, we check in on the triplets.

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3 Ways the World Has Changed for Children in 30 Years

A group of children in Honduras smile for the camera.

This year, Compassion joins other humanitarian and child-focused organizations around the world to celebrate a landmark: the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. A convention might sound a little boring, but this historic meeting laid out the human rights that apply to all children. We have a lot to celebrate about the progress children’s rights have made in the last 30 years. We’d like to highlight three ways things have changed in the past 30 years for children.

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3 Helpful Christmas Letter Ideas for This Year

3 Helpful Ideas for Your Christmas Letter This Year

It’s Christmastime for the Compassion Letter Club! Don’t face your writer’s block alone. We’ve got you covered with these helpful ideas for what to write to the child or teen you sponsor this year in your Compassion Christmas letter.

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Inspiring Millennials: How This 25-Year-Old Built a School for Children in Poverty

Students run and play in a courtyard ringed by classrooms.

A “God Drop” is how Laura Hoke describes the salary offer she received her senior year in college from a large FORTUNE 500 corporation where she had worked as a marketing intern the prior summer. “I knew right away that God was entrusting me with those resources to do something special,” says Laura.

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Escaping Venezuela: One Boy’s Story of Fear and Hope

A teen boy in a blue shirt smiles at the camera inside a wooden house.

Venezuelan teen Jesús Daniel shares the harrowing story of his family’s flight from Venezuela to Colombia. He also shares about the hope his family and other Venezuelan immigrants are receiving through a local church, made possible by Compassion’s supporters.

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How Jesus Is Shaping My Perspective on Being a Good Neighbor

Three children run in a field wearing traditional Peruvian clothing.

Compassion President Santiago “Jimmy” Mellado shares how Jesus’ teachings on being a good neighbor can transform how we all serve as Christ followers.

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2019 Nobel Prize: How Research Is Key to Ending Global Poverty

A group of girls sit in a classroom with a pink wall behind them.

The recipients of the 2019 Nobel Prize in economics are advancing the need for research on what works and what doesn’t in poverty alleviation: something Compassion is actively practicing!

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6 Ways to Write Your Child As If You’ve Met Them

A man stoops on the ground with a young boy on his back.

You may never have the chance to visit your sponsored child, but you can learn from those who have visited tips on how to write great letters!

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What Does the Bible Say About Giving?

What Does the Bible Say About Giving?

These inspiring Scripture verses and devotional will help you learn more about God’s heart of generosity.

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