He Grew Up Hungry. Now He Fights Hunger With Science.

A man stands in a gray shirt in front of snowy hills, smiling at the camera.

Collins grew up in hunger, but now he is getting his doctorate in plant pathology to fight for subsistence farmers and fight food insecurity.

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How Healing One Girl’s Heart Is Healing a Whole Community

A woman holds a girl on her hip, standing on a dirt road.

Mariam is something of a celebrity in her Ugandan community. Everyone wants to share the story of the 6-year-old’s incredible transformation. To her neighbors and fellow sponsored children, Mariam is a reason to hope — even when the future looks about as bleak as it can get.

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A woman and three children sit in front of an orange wall.

Miracle Triplets Say “Thank You” for Their New Home!

Together with friends across Australia, Canada and the United States, your support provided a safe and secure home for single mother Annet and her miraculous triplets just in time for their fourth birthday! A year and a half down the track, we check in on the triplets.

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A group of children in Honduras smile for the camera.

3 Ways the World Has Changed for Children in 30 Years

This year, Compassion joins other humanitarian and child-focused organizations around the world to celebrate a landmark: the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. A convention might sound a little boring, but this historic meeting laid out the human rights that apply to all children. We have a lot to celebrate about the progress children’s rights have made in the last 30 years. We’d like to highlight three ways things have changed in the past 30 years for children.

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A woman in a coral colored sweater hugs a little girl in a red shirt.

What Does a Compassion Center Director Do?

It takes many people to make Compassion’s program at the child development center successful, including volunteers, teachers, cooks and cleaning staff. But at the forefront are center directors. Learn more about these passionate people ministering to the most impoverished children in their areas.

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A girl holds a floral scarf, blowing behind her, while she turns and smiles at the camera.

International Literacy Day: A Tale of Two Girls

Every child deserves the same access to quality education. But they don’t all get it. Meet two girls, both who live in poverty but whose educational stories are very different.

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A woman in a black shirt checks the mail out of a box on the front porch of a house.

Namesakes: Why Children in Uganda Are Named After This Woman

She’s not a politician or known worldwide. So why does this retired postal worker have three children in Uganda named after her and her husband?

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A baby in a white dress leans on the back of a chair and smiles, looking to the side. In the background is a brown couch and a wall covered in newspapers.

Celebrating the Most Significant Birthday in the World!

We first introduced you to these three babies and their moms last year. Now they are celebrating a huge milestone. Enjoy their adorable birthday pictures, and find out why this milestone is so significant!

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A group of people, Ugandans and two Americans, stand outside with grass thatched huts in the background, everyone smiling at the camera.

NFL’s Nate Solder: This Is Why I Play Football

Nate Solder has won two Super Bowls with the New England Patriots and currently plays for the New York Giants. But a life focused on winning and money left him feeling empty and wondering what the point of it all is. Learn what Nate’s life purpose now is … and how a village in Uganda helped him find it.

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A man wearing a black jersey that says Uganda crosses his arms and smiles. He stands outside with trees and mountains in the distance.

The Best Gift I’ve Ever Received

My name is Gilbert Mfitundinda. I come from a beautiful community in rural Uganda where the last mountain gorillas live. But my family was poor. Even the poor called us poor. But then I received the best gift ever: sponsorship. And it has completely transformed my life. I want to tell you a little bit more about how sponsorship shaped my life — and what it has to do with my dream for my wedding!

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New Moms First Six Months

New Moms: Celebrating the First Six Months With Love

For the second installment of our New Moms series, catch up with new moms, Juliet, Kate and Rahuma and their adorable 6-month-old daughters as they continue their journey toward their first year in our Survival Program.

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3 New Moms Get the Chance to Have a First Hello

New Moms: 3 Mothers Get the Chance to Have a First Hello

Each day, more than 7,200 babies die from preventable causes — from premature birth and delivery complications to dehydration, diarrhea and disease. But we know it doesn’t have to be that way! Meet three brave new mothers in Uganda and their adorable babies who were given hope and the precious chance at their “first hello.”

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