My church has a relationship with a church in “country X.” How can we help them partner with Compassion to open a child development center?
A: Beyond the requirement that child development centers be run in partnership with the local church, and the fact that Compassion must work in the country where your sister church is located, the selection process and any associated criteria is determined by the country office in each host country.
For example, in the Philippines the first step of the process to select church partners is to gather information on the poverty situation throughout the country.
This is followed by what’s called an “ocular survey” of areas identified in the initial analysis, then outreach and relationship building with area congregations.
Churches that subsequently wish to open a child development center will go through an application process and maintain a continued relationship with local Compassion staff who provide training, support and accountability to their child development programs.
Because the country office staff are the experts, Compassion leaves the actual church partner selection process in their hands. The country staff are the ones who know the needs of the people in each area, the challenges of the local landscape, and the best approaches for successful ministry within the culture.
If you have a relationship with a church in a country where Compassion works, and that church is interested in partnering with Compassion to host a Compassion child development center, the local church should contact its Compassion country office directly.
Direct contact allows your sister church and the Compassion country office to learn more about each other’s culture and mission, which helps cut down on accidental misinformation that might result from language or cultural barriers.
You can get contact information for a local country office by speaking with a Sponsor Relations representative at (800) 336-7676.
16 Comments |Add a comment
Hi Sir/ Ma’am
Faith Bible Baptist Church
Hinobaan Philippines are interested to hold a compassion international to build a center for children
We have a our school for children and we want to have partnership with you please advice
thank you
Hello, Edgar! Thank you so much for your desire to potentially partner with Compassion International. We would be happy to speak with you further. Please send us an email to [email protected]. Thank you and God bless!
I want to hold a compassion minsitry partnership in the local church .please give some ideas what Todo in our place many children are not enrolled in education due to poverty in the mountain area and in the sea side .I want that they can have privilege to received this minsitry
We are located at the last town of Negros Occidental and we are far from the city
Please advice what to do .
thank you very much
Full gospel church milimani isiolo has a school and interested to host compassion international
Kindly advise
Hi, Muchena. Thank you for reaching out. Would you please send us an email to [email protected] ? We would be happy to learn more about your ministry.
I am helpless,I am not in position to help to any one.but I am very much interested to help and protect to needy children in our locality. Is it possible if any one voluntarily come forward to help me to do so. Also I want to be helped of my desire to gospel and self ministry to all over India,Nepal and Bhutan.
Richard, we do not work in Nepal or Bhutan. If you want to find out about possible jobs available in India, you’ll need to talk with someone in our offices there. Please e-mail us for more info: [email protected].
Any way to receivei updates on the status of Devlopment Centers ?
Precious gretings from me in the name of Jejus christ.
My church is looking for international NGO organization in order to have support to perfom social projects in the most needy areas in our country India.
In christ.
John Paul – Please e-mail us your request at [email protected] and we will be able to direct you from there. Jacquie
Although God has called us to work with orphans in Russia, we are trying to help a church in India that currently has three orphanages, a ministry to widows, does church-planting, and disciples new pastors. Partnering with a church in the U.S. through Compassion would be a huge blessing for them. Should we write to the same email address? Thanks! God bless you abundantly!
Yes, please do Ken!
Thanks! Just wrote them. Happy Day!
saludos a todos ustedes con la Santa Paz de Cristo:
primeramente agradesco a Dios por esta institución que trabaja apoyando a los niños de diferentes paises que Bendición!! me alegra mucho pór eso.
soy boliviano radico en Sao Paulo Brasil hace 14 años y me prepare para el pastoreo poruqe vi una nesecidad grande con los imigrantes que llegan a este pais en la mayoria de nacionalidad boliviana y juntamente con ellos niños de diferentes edades que hay veces tienen que sufrir juntamente con sus padres como imigrantres buscando mejor trabajo (empleo) hay veces descriminados en las escuelas por que son extranjeros lo que ocurrio con mi hijo cuando tenia 4 años ahora tiene16 años. sufrimos mucho en este pais por el idioma y trabajo pudimos superar todos esos problemas buscando a Dios como nuestro pronto socorro..
y asi vemos muchos de nuestros hermanos bolivianos que llegan a este pais y sufren juntamente con sus hijos yo queria pedirle favor como entro en contacto para que mi congregación pueda acoger estos niños para poder ayudarlos en todo lo que se pueda yo estoy dispuesto a ceder la congregación donde congregamos los imigrantes, para los niños por favor nos ayude cual seria el procedimiento Efrain Acarapi pastor de la Iglesia hispanica roca fuerte en sao paulo brasil .
Pastor Acarapi – Can you please e-mail us and we will do our best to help you from there: [email protected]? Thank you and God bless you!
Thank you for all the work you are doing with children around the world. If you are led at some point in the future to work with orphans in Russia, we work with several churches who would be interested in partnering with you and churches in America. Blessings!
Ken Dockery, founder, Big Family Mission, .