How Can You Socially Distance in a Slum?

Four children stand in a slum in Kenya, where they are social distancing.

Social distancing is a luxury for the world’s most vulnerable, who live hand to mouth in crowded slums. How can they support their families while protecting them from COVID-19?

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Compassion Fatigue in the Time of Coronavirus

A tired girl leans on a fence in Burkina Faso

The broken state of the world and sheer number of things requiring your compassion can cause you to reach a state of numbness and apathy. When you just stop caring because you simply cannot care anymore. But as Christ-followers, this is not the place we want to stay. Here are ways to prevent compassion fatigue and find our true soul’s rest in Jesus.

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From Sponsored Children to Health Care Heroes!

Dr. Addisalem Gebresilassie wearing scrubs and surgical mask

We’re so inspired by all the health care workers around the world who are sacrificing to save others. Meet five amazing people who grew up sponsored and are now giving back in a big way!

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She Has Every Excuse to Sit Out. But She Chooses to Help.

Carla Maines at a Compassion event table

The world can be a difficult and scary place. But in the midst of it all, if you look, you will find heroes. In both times of crisis and in times of routine, extraordinary people step forward. At Compassion, we have the joy to know many amazing heroes who sacrifice to help others. And today, we want to share about one very special woman.

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5 Things YOU Are Helping the Global Church Do During This Crisis

A girl sits on a swing, looking up and smiling.

Compassion’s staff and volunteers are as dedicated as ever to ensuring children are cared for. It just looks a bit different right now. Because of your continued support, here are five ways the Church around the world is still able to minister to the most vulnerable, in Jesus’ name.

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9 Expert Tips for Resolving Conflicts While Staying at Home

Two children holding hand walking along railroad tracks

Many of us are occupying small spaces with more people than usual. Others are feeling completely isolated. Regardless of your context, I’m sure you’re facing unique challenges. We might be “socially distanced,” but we still need to interact and connect with others if we’re going to thrive. So how can we embrace the hard conversations we need to have during this time, and even grow closer to each other through it? Here are nine tips to help you resolve different types of conflict in this unique season.

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6 Easy International Recipes to Try While at Home

Rwandan Mandazi on a table with coffee

Being at home so much these days, we’re doing a lot more cooking than usual! Try out these EASY recipes from the countries where Compassion serves to become an international chef.

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If You’re Feeling Alone in a World You Don’t Recognize

Boy sitting on an outcropping of rocks looking into the distance

If you’re feeling alone right now, I want you to know that you aren’t. There is hope on the other side of the struggle and the pain. And I’d like to give you a few ways you can take hold of that hope, even in the midst of the fears and uncertainty.

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Easter in Quarantine: 10 Ideas to Celebrate Meaningfully at Home

Three people sit cross-legged in front of a sunrise.

Easter will look a little different this year, but it can still be full of meaning. Here are a few ideas to connect with the true meaning of Easter, quarantine style!

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How to Write Your Sponsored Child in a Time of Crisis

A girl hugs a letter to her chest.

Writing letters to your sponsored child during a crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, requires a little extra thoughtfulness and sensitivity. That’s why we’d like to give you a few tips for writing letters to your sponsored child right now!

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Interrupting Your Feed With Some GOOD NEWS

A girl in a pink dress washes her hands outside.

In the midst of all the news about COVID-19, we need stories of hope. Here are some of the most joy-sparking stories we’ve heard in the last two weeks!

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8 Verses to Pray Over the Child You Sponsor

A girl in a green shirt prays, with her hands to her face.

These are uncertain times. Here are eight scriptures to guide you as you pray for the faith, safety and strength of the child you sponsor.

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