Poverty, Wealth, and Unity

When it comes to poverty and wealth, everybody needs faith.

To the poor who believe in Christ, faith means trusting that whatever they lack today — a meal, rent, clothing — God will provide.

three girls wearing dresses

But what about those who are rich? Our prayers aren’t for a meal. We have an apartment or a home. Our children don’t worry about having clean clothes or even the “right” clothes to wear to school.

Our concern is about losing what we have accumulated. So the rich need to trust God to let go of what they have.

Neither task is easy. Both demand faith — even for those with more. Consider the rich young man who wanted to know Jesus but walked away when he realized there were financial ramifications.

He couldn’t let go.

Our ministry is bringing these opposites together. We stand in the middle of the wealthy and the poor. We build the faith of the poor by loving and discipling their children.

We build the faith of the rich by engaging their hearts beyond their own personal concerns.

In the process, the pronouns change. It is no longer “us and them.” It is “we.” We — the rich and poor in the Church — are in this together.

Will that have impact? Jesus summed it up well. When the Church has unity, He said, “the world will know that you sent me.”

Unity goes beyond warm feelings and cooperation. Strengthening the faith of the rich and the poor alike builds the very reputation of Jesus in the world.

I in them and you in me — so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. —John 17:23, NIV

Prayer: Heavenly Father, empower us at Compassion to be used to build faith on both sides of Your world. Use us to encourage the trust of those in need. To build the courage of those who have. And will You unite the two, so that the world would be amazed at who Jesus is.

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Read all the One in Spirit devotionals. 

3 Comments |Add a comment

  1. Wawa August 29, 2018

    This was very powerful and timely for me.

  2. Nathan August 24, 2018

    This is so encouraging! What an important and challanging role for our ministry to stand between the two sides. ( the rich and the poor) . I like the truth in here. For sure, happiness on either side can only be through faith in God.

    Thank you!

  3. Sarah Kaglan July 20, 2018

    Engaging message to continue the race with Christ and for the children

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