A Conversation With Richmond Wandera

Do you remember Richmond? He’s one of the Wess Stafford-Moody Bible Institute Scholarship recipients Celina told you about.

Do you have 21 minutes? If so, you’ll be hard-pressed not to be impressed by this humble man.

Greg Nettle, senior pastor of Rivertree Christian Church, conducts the interview.

Watch Richmond Wandera and subscribe to Compassion YouTube for more stories.

11 Comments |Add a comment

  1. Adam February 5, 2010

    Awesome job man!! God Bless you sir and greetings from JudsonU!!

  2. Jean Gulden September 14, 2009

    Words cannot express what seeing this video means to those of us who sponsor children. Not every child will have the full opportunity that Richmond has had but every child that is sponsored will have far greater opportunity than those who are not. My daughter and I cry whenever we read letters from ‘our’ children. It is amazing the way lives can be touched by such a small amount – an amount of money that most of us would spend on eating out in a month or a new pair of shoes, can go to change the life of a child for a month. Waiting 4 1/2 months to be sponsored….

  3. Kelly March 25, 2009

    I have also been honored to meet richmond at Acquire the Fire in Auburn Hills. His story was very touching, and to hear him speak was amazing.

  4. Katie March 24, 2009

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful story!

  5. Rob March 23, 2009

    I had the pleasure of spending time with Richmond during this weekend at RiverTree. He is the most Godly man I have met. God is using him in a profound way!

  6. Dwight March 23, 2009

    Great story… could you pass along more stories from the LDP students at Moody?

  7. Britt March 23, 2009

    I just watched this again…I just had to!

    Richmond speaks so kindly…he seems so wise & gentle. I am 27 and to think that he is only a year younger than I am…I have A LOT to learn from him!

  8. Britt March 23, 2009

    I’ve only read about Richmond’s story…to hear him speak is awesome!

  9. Misty Compton March 23, 2009

    The video screen didn’t pop up for me, however, I had the honor of meeting Richmond at the Aquire the Fire event at a Compassion sponsorship table in Fresno on the 21st. He is truly an amazing guy, with a big heart full love for God and dreams on how to best serve Him. He was so interesting to talk with that we kept talking long after the event was over. He will be going back to Uganda to spend a month with his family at the end of May. Please pray that his trip there and back will go smoothly!
    God bless

  10. Jill Foley March 23, 2009

    Wow…I’m in tears.

    I have heard his stories through others who have heard him speak, but to hear it straight from him is a very powerful thing.

    Thank you.

  11. Mike Stephens March 23, 2009

    Thank you for sharing Richmond and also to the Web Team for sharing the video!!!

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