Strangers Shared the Love to Mend Her Broken Heart

This past Valentine’s Day, 12-year-old Irene in Burkina Faso had a broken heart. But she wasn’t the only one. In fact, her mom, dad, brother, grandmother, aunt and her friends felt hopeless and grieved. They all believed this radiant and loving young girl might soon die.
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This story of twin orphans will break your heart, while also reminding you of the love, beauty and hope in the world. “We are stronger than ever.”
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Miracle Triplets Say “Thank You” for Their New Home!
Together with friends across Australia, Canada and the United States, your support provided a safe and secure home for single mother Annet and her miraculous triplets just in time for their fourth birthday! A year and a half down the track, we check in on the triplets.

3 Ways the World Has Changed for Children in 30 Years
This year, Compassion joins other humanitarian and child-focused organizations around the world to celebrate a landmark: the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. A convention might sound a little boring, but this historic meeting laid out the human rights that apply to all children. We have a lot to celebrate about the progress children’s rights have made in the last 30 years. We’d like to highlight three ways things have changed in the past 30 years for children.

This Hero Has Rescued 150 Girls From FGM
Florence Lomariwo’s lifelong crusade against female genital mutilation, or FGM, started with her own narrow escape.

Scrappers: 15 Photos of Life on a Landfill
Many Compassion-assisted families make their living on the garbage dumps. They don’t have much, but they do have determination, grit and enormous courage to do anything in order to provide for their families.

Namesakes: Why Children in Uganda Are Named After This Woman
She’s not a politician or known worldwide. So why does this retired postal worker have three children in Uganda named after her and her husband?

How Life in Rural Togo Is About to Change
Tragically, one in every 10 children in Togo dies before they reach their fifth birthday. But thanks to a new partnership between pro golfer Kevin Streelman and Compassion, change is coming for two communities.

Ghana Culture and Traditions
Until its independence, Ghana was known as the Gold Coast. It was renamed Ghana, meaning “Warrior King,” to reflect the ancient Ghana Empire that flourished in West Africa during the 10th century.

Celebrating the Most Significant Birthday in the World!
We first introduced you to these three babies and their moms last year. Now they are celebrating a huge milestone. Enjoy their adorable birthday pictures, and find out why this milestone is so significant!

Youths Share Why Letters Are So Meaningful
As sponsors, we don’t always know what impact our letters have on the children we sponsor. So we asked photojournalists to interview young people about how their sponsors’ letters have been meaningful in their lives. Here is what they had to say. Be inspired by the opportunity you have to lift up, love and motivate children and youths in extreme poverty!

Trapped Inside for 8 Years, Sabina Is Now Free
Because of a superstition in her community in Ghana, this sweet girl was never allowed outside — for the first eight years of her life. Sabina wasn’t able to go to school, make friends or attend any public gatherings. Learn what the superstition was — and how sponsorship is ensuring children like Sabina are known, loved and protected!