6 Teens Tell Us What They Like to Hear in Their Sponsors’ Letters

Three teenage girls smile as one of them holds a letter from her Compassion sponsor.

To answer some of sponsors’ common questions about exchanging letters, we asked sponsored teenagers in Ethiopia and Colombia what they like most about their sponsors’ letters — and what they’d love more of.

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3 Public Speaking Tips That Improved My Letters to My Sponsored Child

Boy wearing a blue shirt with white sleeves. He is standing in front of his bike and is holding a letter he received from his sponsor. Behind him is a tan brick wall.

Recently I went to a public speaking workshop. I never thought of myself as a public speaker before I had to give a three-minute talk on the topic of my choice to complete strangers. I wrestled with preparing my talk for nine months! But my mentor shared three tips that helped me — and I realized that these same tips could also be applied in letters to the child I sponsor.

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Katie writes to her sponsored child while sitting on her couch.

How Becoming a Sponsor Gave Me a Heart for Children

When I felt the Holy Spirit’s promptings to sponsor a child through Compassion almost two years ago, something held me back. It wasn’t timing, finances or a need to do more research. It was a fear that I wouldn’t know how to interact well with a child, let alone a child halfway across the world. Although I was eager to exchange words of love and encouragement with someone living in poverty, I’d never closely related with children before.

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two happy girls standing in front of a pink wall

This is What Happens When You Send a Letter to the Child You Sponsor

In the United States, we don’t really think about it much because it’s so easy — you mail a letter or a package, and a few days later it arrives in the mailbox or on the doorstep of the person you sent it to. But mail and package delivery in the developing world is quite a bit more complex. And because we take child protection so seriously, there is a series of checks and hand-offs that happen at the national Compassion offices all they way down to your child’s local center.

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Kenenisa is wearing a blue shirt. He is sitting on a small ledge by the front door of his house and is looking through his sponsor's letters. His house is tan.

Not Convinced Your Letters Matter? Meet Kenenisa.

Letters. They are a source of joy and discouragement for nearly every sponsor I’ve met. If you sponsor a child, you might wonder: Do my letters really matter? To answer that question, let me introduce you to 6-year-old Kenenisa in Ethiopia!

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Carol is wearing a maroon sweater and plaid skirt. She is standing outside the Compassion center. There is a blue door and a mural painted on the wall behind her.

5 Biblical Truths to Share With the Child You Sponsor

We all struggle to separate truths from untruths, especially these days.

Children living in poverty are surrounded by untruths too — lies told them by their circumstances of poverty. So when you write to your sponsored child, look for ways to incorporate biblical truths into your letters. Here are five ideas to get you started.

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Young girl wearing a dress with a white bodice and a black skirt. She is standing in an open doorway of her home and she is holding a letter from her sponsor.

3 Ways to Write to the Child You Sponsor

Paralyzed by the thought of mailing anything? Tired of technology? There’s a writing method for you. Here are three easy ways to make writing the child you sponsor a breeze!

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A girl reads a letter.

Why Aren’t My Sponsored Child’s Letters as Engaging as I Hoped?

Why are some letters from sponsored children personal and relational while others feel formulaic and impersonal? In this article, we think through some of the reasons this might be your experience and refocus our hearts on the purpose of letter writing.

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Sitting in a window reading

What to Do If It’s Been a Long Time Since You Received a Letter

Have you ever been so excited to receive a letter from the child you sponsor, but it feels like it’s been forever? I’m sure a lot of us have. And it’s highly likely that you might feel that way during this global pandemic. Here’s when to reach out to us if it has been a while since you received a letter — and tips for while you wait!

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A girl hugs a letter to her chest.

How to Write Your Sponsored Child in a Time of Crisis

Writing letters to your sponsored child during a crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, requires a little extra thoughtfulness and sensitivity. That’s why we’d like to give you a few tips for writing letters to your sponsored child right now!

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A man in a yellow shirt smiles at the camera.

How One Remarkable Mailman Encourages Sponsors on His Route

Kosto, who was once helped by Compassion, is now a mailman in Australia and encourages sponsors as he hand delivers their letters!

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A woman sits at a table, writing a letter.

A Letter-Writing Plan for the New Year

The timeline for when you should write the child you sponsor about upcoming holidays and different topics can be confusing. That’s why we decided we’d start the year off with a handy letter-writing plan to help you understand how to time your letters.

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