This month, we want to flip that.
And you couldn’t wait to tell us!
To see their letters begin to reflect their personalities.
And keep looking for those little treasures in the words they write.
A Letter Can…

Make You Laugh
“My teenager and his friends participated in a soccer tournament and won first place. The prize? Everybody got a chicken! I just imagined the trip home on the bus with all those boys and all those chickens. I still laugh out loud thinking about it!” – Jan
“I had written to her about the naughty stuff our dog would do and she wrote back urging me to be patient with the dog and to never give up on trying to train her. Wise words from a kiddo.” – Brenna

Make You Rejoice
“When she writes how she is able to buy a goat or a pig with my extra gift to her and her family. It makes me so happy that through the blessings of our Lord, we are able to transfer our blessings to a family in so much need … thank you Lord Jesus!!” – Larry
“One of our kids from Brazil lost his biological father and he drew a picture of my husband and wrote ‘Godfather’ above his picture in English. ??? ” – @allisonbenik

Move You to Action
“The sweetest thing was when she told me that she always prayed to God to see me face-to-face. (So we made that happen!)” – Sheri
“When our 6-year-old sponsored boy asked us to pray that his mother would come to know Jesus ♥” – @alcraig2011

Touch Your Heart
“My girl, Lanie, was thrilled when she learned how to write ‘I love you’ in English so she could write it herself without it needing to be translated” – Jamie
“After my daughter died, I didn’t write my teenaged sponsored boy for about a year when before I had been writing every month or two. When I was finally able to write him again and tell him, he responded with love and sorrow and told me that he had been especially praying for me and lifting ME up! I will always remember that. God was blessing me through him.” – @greenawaltcheryl
What special funny, heartwarming or inspirational treasure have you received in your #compassionletter? Leave a comment below!
Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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My little is only four. She sent me a page once with A’s drawn all over it. Her mother commented in a note that she wanted to write but A was the only letter she knew. If my heart hadn’t melted already, it certainly did then. Looking forward to when she can put her thoughts to paper for real.
Hi Ryn! Oh my goodness, that is the most precious thing I’ve heard! What a blessing you are to your sweet little girl. Thank you so much for the difference you’re making in her life! ?
My favorite thing my girl wrote me was when she told me that she loves me and that she treasures my letters. I also liked reading that she plays a sort of “freeze tag”…who knew! 😀
Hi Rhianwen! Thank you so much for being an amazing sponsor to Sheila! You are making such a difference in her life!
I love writing letters to all my sponsored kids, but even more, I love getting letters from them. I keep coloring pages, postcards, bookmarks, etc., handy so I can reply right away. Then their letters are saved in a special box. It amazes me that I can love someone so much that I will never meet this side of heaven!
“People may not remember what you did,they may not remember what you said,but they will always remember how you made them feel”
Maya Angelou
I just become a sponsor in October of this year. I am anxiously waiting to get my first letter from Marcos. My heart is already swelling with pride and love for my 6 year old Marcos.
I was happy to hear from you, Joel. Thank you. We just celebrated Thanksgiving Day here in the United States. Most people eat turkey, gravy, stuffing, Potatoes, cranberries and a lot more. We thank God for our many blessings. Christmas will soon be here. Many people put up lights for the season. Will you be singing Christmas songs in school? I hope you will be staying healthy. Love to you and your family. Elaine
The thing that really blessed my heart was, when I asked my sponsored child Anitha if I could have a picture of her family. I was so surprised when I received one. Just looking at their beautiful smiling faces when I pray for them lifts my heart and prayers higher. Thank you for making it so personal. Anita Smith
I am so looking forward to receiving my first letter from Mariana.
What blessed us most, from Cintia Calixto from Peru I think was; is that she’s so warm,sweet and personable. 1. Her flourishing artwork as she grows and thrives is remarkable.
2. Also Love when she mentions the details of her life she enjoys, her favorite Bible stories and her beautiful outings she attends with her special friends (She loves them because they listen to her and play ball in the meadow and in the country with her). I can just picture everything about her w/family,church and school, and how she’s becoming stronger in the Lord.
3. And I also researched her favorite songs and her favorite dishes she enjoys. All in all, I love her so much.