5 Bible Verses About Hope for Hard Times

girl in a white shirt sitting outside with a book open on her lap

Life is hard, and in troubling times, hope can feel impossible. Luckily, in those moments, the God of hope is near to us, ready to lift our heads and turn our eyes to the brighter future ahead. If you’re struggling, there’s hope to be found in God’s Word. Below, you’ll find five Bible verses about hope in hard times and learn how to apply them in any situation. A

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Poverty in the Bible: The Definition of Poverty

How Does the Bible Define Poverty?

Many people and organizations view poverty in economic terms. But does this definition align with how Scripture describes the poor? How does the Bible define poverty?

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Girl squatting by a fire holding a corn husk.

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust: A Hopeful Reminder

We often associate the phrase “ashes to ashes, dust to dust” with death. That’s because the phrase comes from the burial rites in the Book of Common Prayer. This collection of prayer books is used mostly in the Anglican church for communion, marriages and other Christian rites — including burial services and cremations. But a closer look at what “ashes to ashes, dust to dust” means actually reveals a hopeful message about life.

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Mikiyas, wearing a black shirt and blue jeans, is sitting next to his mother with his arm around her. She is wearing a teal blue head wrap and a black and white dress. They are smiling.

What Does “A Man After My Own Heart” Mean? 

While the phrase “a man after my own heart” has grown to be a common idiom, it originates in the Bible. Let’s take a look at what it means to be a person after God’s heart, like King David in the Bible, and what it can teach us about helping children living in poverty.

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From Hunger to Hope: A Brave Girl Named Norah

Norah’s mother, a hairdresser, and her father, a soldier in the Rwandan army, worked hard to provide for their daughter. But when war and genocide tore through Rwanda in 1994, it also ripped a hole straight through Norah’s heart.

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Luis Palau preaching to a huge audience in Buenos Aires. He is standing on a stage holding a hand in the air and wearing a blue shirt and white pants.

Remembering Our Friend Luis Palau

Luis Palau went to be with the Lord on March 11, 2021. He was 86 years old.

For more than 65 years, Palau preached, taught and wrote about the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Originally from Argentina, Palau always had a big heart for the Spanish-speaking world. As the Lord blessed his ministry, he shared the clear Christian faith in 80 nations and to an estimated 1 billion people through his citywide festivals, television programs, radio programs and writings.

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Samuel, in a white shirt, María Salome, in a fuchsia t-shirt, and Maria Angelica, in denim overalls, are running home along a dirt, gravel road while holding the Illustrated Bibles they received at the project.

Just the Message of Hope You Needed Today

I love words and always have. Early on, I began collecting the words of others. From famous quotes I integrated into my papers to the collection of handwritten notes I gathered from beloved family members, the beauty of words were clear to me. And yet, as a young woman with a sensitive heart, I also felt the pain of a harshly spoken word or a message delivered with a cold attitude.

During this tumultuous time, specific words are needed — the gospel, a message of hope.

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A child makes the shape of a heart with their hands

6 Authentic Ways to Be Generous but Not Judgmental

Working in poverty alleviation, I can feel the need to explain and justify the nice things I have. I worry that people will judge me or will judge the organization I work for if I don’t drive a junker and get my clothes on consignment. But I’ve come to realize that my justifications are creating a culture — a culture around me of implied judgment of the choices of others by my constant need to justify my own purchases and assets.

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If I Give All I Have to the Poor, But Have Not Love… Love in the Bible

3 Bad Reasons to Give to Charity

Here are three reasons people give to charity that may be prompted by something other than love — and why it matters.

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3 Simple Lessons From Jesus on How to Love Your Neighbor

How to Love Your Neighbor

Love your neighbor as yourself. It’s the second greatest commandment. One of the most quoted verses in the Bible. And something we all want to do. (Well, most of the time.) You spend so much of your heart and gifts to bless a child in poverty. But what about when the neighbor you’re asked to love isn’t that cute, smiling kiddo on your fridge?

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Year of the Bible: Two girls read the Bible together.

12 Ways to Commit to the Year of the Bible

2020 is Year of the Bible! Learn a little more about what that means and how you can commit to and engage more deeply with the Bible this year.

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Family Activities: How to Crush Boredom Together as a Family

How to Crush Boredom Together as a Family

If you’re a family who confronts boredom with either planning or panic, look no further. Here are a few family activities to crush boredom together.

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