A Glimpse Into the Life of a Compassion Trip Leader

A group of children and youth smile outside in Rwanda

I still remember walking through the doors of the Global Ministry Center, Compassion’s headquarters, for the first time. An indescribable feeling came over me — I had arrived home. I knew that I wanted to work for children, see God’s kingdom come by upholding the cause of the oppressed, and build a bridge between different cultures that need each other. But, never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that his plans for me included being a part of the Trips and Visits team at Compassion.

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6 Teens Tell Us What They Like to Hear in Their Sponsors’ Letters

Three teenage girls smile as one of them holds a letter from her Compassion sponsor.

To answer some of sponsors’ common questions about exchanging letters, we asked sponsored teenagers in Ethiopia and Colombia what they like most about their sponsors’ letters — and what they’d love more of.

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11 Remarkable Photos of “Tiny Homes” in the Developing World

The tiny house movement that’s sweeping North America is actually nothing new. People have always found peace in the simplicity of tiny homes. Here are some remarkable photos of tiny homes from communities where we work in the developing world.

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6 Weekly Prayers for Children in Poverty This Lent

Suchat, a boy in Thailand, smiles and holds his hands in prayer. He is wearing a white collared shirt. A rural home and plants are seen behind him

For the next 40 days (plus Sundays), Christians around the world will recognize the season of Lent. Please enjoy this mini Lent prayer guide that includes a portion of Scripture, thought and prayer for each week over the next six weeks. Also, because we know that you’re busy and juggling multiple priorities, we’ve included a set of prayer reminder cards!

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Extraordinary Teens in Ethiopia Help Farmers Save Crops During Locust Crisis

A girl wearing a yellow shirt is holdng a sickle in one hand and a plant she harvested in her other hand. Other people are behind her and are helping with the harvest.

For 46-year-old Behailu, a farmer in Ethiopia, hearing of locusts reminds him of stories told by his father’s generation of farmers. But today the threat of locusts is no longer just a folk tale for Behailu and other farmers in East Africa — it’s a nightmarish reality.

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15 Out-of-the-Ordinary Journeys to School

A girl and a boy are riding on a donkey. The girl is wearing a school uniform and a backpack. They are smiling

Here’s a look at some of the great lengths children around the world are going to every day to get themselves to the classroom.

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How Does Sponsorship Help Kids Emotionally?

A pastor of a church in Nicaragua wears a pink button-down shirt and smiles as he sits next to two smiling young boys

Poverty places children at physical risk, but it also places them at risk of damage within. It robs them of the belief that they matter, that they have value and that they can dream of — and achieve — a different future. Breaking down destructive thought patterns and helping children see themselves for who they really are — beloved by God and capable of changing their circumstances — is vital to helping them break free from emotional poverty. But it isn’t easy.

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25 Children in Poverty Share Encouraging Messages for Hard Times

Antonio is wearing a blue shirt and red shorts. He is standing outside with a rice field behind him and he is holding up a sign that says God Bless You.

After one of the most challenging years of their young lives, children from all over the world still have inspiring messages of hope.

Just as their families and Compassion tutors have supported them through the struggles caused by the pandemic, the children have handwritten, heartfelt signs of encouragement to share with YOU. Their message — from Nicaragua to Tanzania, Bangladesh to Ecuador — is beautiful: You are loved, you are not alone, and you will get through this.

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Just the Message of Hope You Needed Today

Samuel, in a white shirt, María Salome, in a fuchsia t-shirt, and Maria Angelica, in denim overalls, are running home along a dirt, gravel road while holding the Illustrated Bibles they received at the project.

I love words and always have. Early on, I began collecting the words of others. From famous quotes I integrated into my papers to the collection of handwritten notes I gathered from beloved family members, the beauty of words were clear to me. And yet, as a young woman with a sensitive heart, I also felt the pain of a harshly spoken word or a message delivered with a cold attitude.

During this tumultuous time, specific words are needed — the gospel, a message of hope.

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How a Generous Sponsor Uses His Company Match to Maximize His Giving

Girl, in a pink and black shirt, is standing on the sand laughing with another girl and a boy, both wearing yellow. Julenda is not part of the Child Sponsorship Program. There are trees in the background.

David Choi has been sponsoring a child through Compassion since he was a teenager growing up in Australia. When he moved to the U.S. for work in 2014, he began sponsoring a boy from Uganda who was the same age as his eldest son. Now, with two active boys and a career in product marketing for a Fortune 100 technology company, David stays busy, but there are two annual reminders on his calendar that are very important to him.

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How Local Churches Help Celebrate Local Traditions

Abo (left, standing) is pushing Kanyaporn (right) on an Akha traditional celebration swing. They are wearing their traditional clothing and there are trees in the background.

Compassion works exclusively with local churches — and for good reason. We believe no global entity is more capable, caring and called to act on behalf of children in poverty than the Church. On top of this, local churches are often also at the center of festivals and local traditions that are crucial to the fabric of the unique culture in which they exist. So … let’s take a glimpse into how local churches around the world go above and beyond to make registered children feel loved, appreciated and protected.

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3 Public Speaking Tips That Improved My Letters to My Sponsored Child

Boy wearing a blue shirt with white sleeves. He is standing in front of his bike and is holding a letter he received from his sponsor. Behind him is a tan brick wall.

Recently I went to a public speaking workshop. I never thought of myself as a public speaker before I had to give a three-minute talk on the topic of my choice to complete strangers. I wrestled with preparing my talk for nine months! But my mentor shared three tips that helped me — and I realized that these same tips could also be applied in letters to the child I sponsor.

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