Children Answer the Question “What Makes You Happy?”

A girl runs toward the camera.

Children are good at finding joy in any situation, aren’t they? That’s why we asked Compassion-assisted children from across the globe to share with us the things that make them happy. We pray this will inspire you to look for the little things that you can praise God for today.

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Pastor Makes His Own Mask and Gives Away His Own Food to the Poor in His Community

A man wearing a bottle for a face mask hands out food.

Meet a superhero: Pastor Ganiban! He’s using whatever he can so he can give whatever he has to those struggling. This man is just so incredible, using faith to fight fear during this global pandemic.

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How to Be an Effective Social Media Slacktivist

How to Be an Effective Social Media Slacktivist

Before you post, re-tweet or change profile pictures in reaction to news, consider these 7 ideas on how to take the “slacker” out of social media slacktivist.

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Why Aren’t My Sponsored Child’s Letters as Engaging as I Hoped?

A girl reads a letter.

Why are some letters from sponsored children personal and relational while others feel formulaic and impersonal? In this article, we think through some of the reasons this might be your experience and refocus our hearts on the purpose of letter writing.

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5 Adorable Babies Born in Quarantine

A baby on a blanket in a white and red outfit and a woman holding a baby.

During this global pandemic, there are still stories of new life and hope. Meet 5 adorable babies who were born during the COVID-19 pandemic. Enjoy their sweet photos and read their amazing birth stories! ?

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These 8 People Prove You Can’t Quarantine Kindness

A girl sits by a globe, holding a picture of a girl

This post is dedicated to you … to all of you out there being salt and light in your own communities and to children living in poverty around the world. Keep reading for inspiring ways Compassion supporters like you are giving back to their communities during this challenging time.

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Bangladesh, Already Struggling From COVID-19, Hit Hard by Cyclone Amphan

A girl and woman stand in front of a damaged home.

Cyclone Amphan hit India and Bangladesh on May 18, 2020. Find out how this super cyclone — the Bay of Bengal’s fiercest storm this century — impacted communities and how Compassion’s partners on the front lines are responding.

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I Will Never See My Children Starve Again

A woman holds a baby in her lap

When the COVID-19 pandemic threatened Mary’s family with starvation yet again, the church stepped in with a long-term solution to feed her family.

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How Does Sponsorship Help Kids Cognitively?

Karunia and friends

A child’s development isn’t hinged on one aspect of growth — like physical health or emotional stability. Poverty doesn’t just attack one area of a child’s life. To help a child break free from poverty, we need to address every aspect of a child’s development. Today, let’s look at how our church partners help children develop cognitively.

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4 Family Budgets Around the World

Someone in a green shirt is holding a handful of money

Would you like to take a peek into the pocketbook of a few families around the world? Have you ever wondered what it’s really like to live below the global poverty line of US $1.90 a day? These four families invited us to learn what it’s like to try to make ends meet in extreme poverty.

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How Your Sponsorship Is Key During a Health Crisis

Smiling Livingstone standing in an alley in front of his family

Here are three ways child sponsorship becomes more important than ever during a health crisis such as COVID-19.

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How the Church (and YOU) Saved Sofia From Homelessness

Sofia and Abukeker standing in a doorway

When COVID-19 hit, single mother Sofia lost her ability to work and was facing homelessness with her three children. A local church was able to give her rent assistance, from generous donors like you. Now her family is housed, safe and together.

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